CCAM Multi-cluster meeting took place on 25 October in Brussels, Belgium and gathered 140 representatives of members.
To begin the meeting, representatives of the European Commission, Andrea de Candido and Geert Van Der Linden – emphasised on the CCAM Partnership’s uniqueness in Europe, even a source of interest for other parts of the world, as well as various difficulties were pointed out and needed to be resolved to facilitate the adoption of CCAM solutions.
Armin Gräter, CCAM Chairman, presented the timeline of actions to update the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda objectives (SRIA).
All the projects from Work Programme 2021, distributed between the 7 clusters, presented themselves and their activities and goals and addressed their objectives in accordance with the CCAM SRIA objectives:
- FAME (C7 Coordination)
- SINFONICA & Move2CCAM (C6 Societal aspects & user needs)
- EVENTS & Roadview (C2 Vehicle technologies)
- Sunrise (C3 Validation)
- AUGMENTED CCAM & PoDIUM (C4 Integration)
- SELFY & CONNECT (C5 Key enabling technologies)
Additionally, the SHOW project from Horizon2020 presented its relation with Cluster 1: large-scale demonstrations.
the next few hours were spent brainstorming on ideas, innovations, and next steps that might need to be taken into consideration, if not to be included in the SRIA roadmap review, by Cluster Leaders and members.
The meeting provided evidence of the added value of the Partnership: connect the funded projects with the clusters’ work to support CCAM on the road towards deployment!
EVENTS was represented by Dr. Panagiotis Lytrivis, member of the EVENTS coordinating team from the ICCS.
His presentation was focused on highlighting the key facts, objectives and impact of EVENTS project, and how the project is linked to the CCAM Partnership’s Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA).